Pastoral Care
Jesus said, “A new commandment I give unto you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another”
As a Church Family, we recognise that we are all called to show pastoral care informally to other people as we interact with our families, neighbours and work colleagues, especially when we find ourselves in a situation where we can show kindness or offer help.
We also feel that God is calling us to reach out to people we don’t know in our communities, young and old, churched and unchurched and especially those in need of any kind of pastoral care with the same unconditional love and acceptance that God has shown us.
So, in line with our commitment to broaden the pastoral ministry of our parish, two Lay Chaplain’s has been identified from within our Church Family and commissioned to carry out the specific ministry of pastoral care on behalf of the parish.
Along with and under the guidance of Rev Julie Coleman they play an important part in our parish and wider community by visiting and caring for those in need, offering a listening ear, a friendly face and seeking to bring the love of Jesus to all. Their focus is to serve our community by being Jesus’ hands and feet, His eyes and ears.
In practical terms this might mean;
- offering help with lifts
- providing meals
- shopping
- visiting people in hospital or those ill at home
- being there for a recently bereaved neighbour
- being a listening ear when someone is going through a difficult time
It is sometimes easier to talk to someone you don’t know so well or someone you know will be discreet. The Chaplains and Vicar can’t offer counselling, but they can listen, support and encourage and they can point you towards people who can help further if you would like them to. They will often visit in pairs due to the Diocesan Lone Working Policy.
If you, a neighbour or a loved one would like a pastoral visit from one of our Chaplains, or would like someone to contact you for a chat on the phone, please don’t hesitate to ring Rev Julie Coleman on 0208 8886 9557 or email us at
You don’t have to attend church regularly to receive prayer or a visit. Pastoral care is for all.
At St John’s we realistically know that the vicar can’t provide pastoral care to everybody and so it’s right that we take people with those pastoral gifts and release them into a ministry where they can provide that on-going care in a way that vicars can’t.
Rev Julie Coleman
Vicar of St John the Evangelist, Palmers Green