Bible Study Groups
Home Church Bible Study
From the 5th March we will be studying the Book of Revelations. We will learn that this book is from Jesus and is about Jesus. Angels play an important role in this book as well as the Apostle John who is sent to assist Jesus in his task, but it is not the angel that preoccupies him! Come and find out more…
Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.15am to 12.30pm at St John’s Parish Centre
Everyone welcome
“So What?” Youth Bible Studies
So what…
…does the Bible say?
Young people have questions. God’s Word has answers. That’s why Scripture is the heart of each session. The young people who attend will examine what the Bible says, learn what it means, and see how it relates to their lives.
…questions does the Bible answer?
A good question has remarkable power to stimulate and engage critical thinking skills. Each session of So What? zeros in on one question and one answer, allowing people to focus on the truth in Scripture.
…what difference does it make?
Young people are asking, ‘How does the Bible apply to my life? How can I live out what I believe? So what difference does faith in Christ make?’
The question “So What?” captures in a nutshell this study groups primary purpose: that God the Holy Spirit will work through the study of his Word to bring about a person’s ownership of their faith in Jesus Christ.
Those aged 7 to 16 are invited to join us for Bible Study on the 2nd Sunday of each month at St John the Evangelist Parish Centre, Palmers Green from 4pm to 5pm.
Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.15am to 12.30pm at St John’s Parish Centre
Everyone welcome